Twin Flames: One Soul Two Hearts or One Heart Two Souls?


There has something that has been bothering me about the generic Twin Flame literature that is commonly spread throughout the community, and it is this aspect of the one soul split into two. Something did not sit right with me when I first read it, which has sometimes gotten me to question if I was a Twin Flame as I so believe to be. According to the main Twin Flame lore, these beings are part of the same soul which were then split into two to live out various incarnations on the earthly plane for experiential purposes and start to re-emerge back as one as they are near ascension. Many have interpreted this to mean many different things, but in the end, the idea is pretty much the same: both souls were once one, now they are two, and they will inevitably merge back to one. Some would suggest that this means that both souls are half a soul, and they need to merge to become whole. As this explanation can be understood as co-dependency in 3D terms, other spiritualists were quick to point out that twins must be complete and whole on their own before they can merge with one another. This, to me, is still quite confusing – all because the spiritualists that claim that each must be whole still confirms that back in time, both twins were one soul split into two. I believe the whole confusion stems from the choice of the word “split”, as it still suggests a division or halving in a 3D sense.

Then there are those who say that your twin flame is “YOU”, and then the confusion meter just skyrockets at this point. Setting aside poetics for a moment, what does that actually mean? Some would suggest that your twin flame is another part of your soul, and that your soul needs both counterparts in order to be “whole” (but then that goes into the concept of halving again). Others would say that as we ascend upwards into higher dimensions, we merge into one higher soul, which is currently our over soul, and the higher up we ascend in dimensions we keep merging with members of our soul family until we become one with the universe (but with that logic, my Twin Flame is me just as much as the guy that passes by me in the street is me, and in the end we are all one – so somewhat irrelevant with Twins specifically). The Osho folk would actually suggest that your Twin Flame is you meaning that the energy is inside you, and has nothing to do with the partner which you have called your twin; you just projected this Twin Flame energy towards the other person, but in reality, it is all within you (I find this type of thinking to be quite lonely – and I feel that it has been conjured up by the broken hearted people that are trying to justify their sadness … which may be the truth that I am blind towards, but it just doesn’t resonate with me. So called runner twins may choose to hold onto this particular belief system as it frees them from the responsibility of accepting their Twin Flame nature, but that’s neither here or there).

This notion of me and my twin being one at some point back in time really bothers me, as I do not feel it to be true, just yet. Of course, none of us humans remember what it was like prior to our incarnation on this plane, so it may be possible and I just simply do not remember … but still, something is bothering me about this particular line – not on an intellectual level (where my logical brain has pretty much given up trying to format everything according to the earthly plane) nor on an emotional level, but in a spiritual sense – I just feel that something has been lost in translation. Then it hit me, the issue – for me – lies in the past tense: twin flames were “once” one soul, split into two. Excuse me if I am wrong, but doesn’t time only exist on the third dimensional plane? If that is true, then how were we ever once anything? In the higher dimensions, my twin and I should already be one and there is no moment of actual split between both souls. Actually, come to think about it, on the higher dimensions we are both one and separate independent souls at the same time. I am sure that many spiritualists would probably respond by saying “that is true, but the moment you have entered this earthly plane, you have become two individual souls” … but that means we were never one on this earthly plane to begin with, and in fact, the whole journey is to become one, and not to return to being one. So, we never actually split, we are slowly merging into what is often called “the third energy”. I don’t like the word “merging” either, as it may be taken a bit too literally, so lets just say that by our reunion as two separate souls we create this third energy, entity, or perhaps creating a unified consciousness that vibrates at a higher frequency than individuals can do on their own.

Why is this distinction important? I personally believe that this notion of the two split into one as opposed to the two becoming one leads to a lot of confusion and doubt within twins here on the earthly plane (I know it has for me). It suggests that your twin flame counterpart must be experiencing the same things you are experiencing (albeit in a “different” way) just because they are essentially “you”. I would have to take a step back and offer a slightly different interpretation and say: No, your twin is not you; he or she is a completely unique individual that may experience life totally different than you are, in an ultimate divine plan that was designed to bring out the best in both of you (by sometimes destroying you and bringing out the worst) and push each other on the road to divine evolution. They are not you, you are not them, you are both divine counterparts that share perfect duality, which the interaction of which creates the magical sparks of life. Think about it as two opposing colors, both rich on their own yet combine to create a third color with balanced properties. Red and Blue create Purple; Blue and Yellow create Green; and Yellow and Red create Orange. In order to be able to merge or recreate this third elevated consciousness with your energies, you must continue to push each other’s buttons until you are both strong enough to truly allow your energy grown beyond your bodily cages and merge into this higher over soul – which you already are merged into in the higher dimensions.

Let me offer another perspective. In the beginning, the universe created both the male and female duality – identified in the Abrahamic faiths as Adam & Eve. These were the original two twin flames, as they were divine counterparts that were created from one another (I dislike the idea that Eve was created from Adam, or vice versa, and prefer the mindboggling version of them creating each other simultaneously). As they procreated / co-created, they give birth to many sets of twins and started the first soul family. While a twin couple were divine counterparts, their brothers and sisters in other twin sets become their soul mates, and so it goes with their children, and their children’s children. But take note that I am talking about the birth of souls here, not human beings … and these souls can decide to incarnate into different families and what not – meaning that your actual brother or sister might be our cousin twice removed in your soul family, and your child my actually be your soul parent … etc (which is sometimes why you find that you may be close to a cousin than a sibling, or end up caring for a sibling like a parent). This soul family concept is widely accepted in the spiritual community, but we must recognize that it is actually a hierarchical organization (there is always an Adam and Eve figure) and based on a 3D family system.

What if we are to reinterpret the co-creation of Adam & Eve as cloning as opposed to giving birth. When both the Female and Male energies combine, they split off to form their copies again, and again, and again, so we are essentially walking around with souls that were basically part of the main original duality as opposed to offspring from them. Sure, these different clones may evolve through time, but in the end the organization is more horizontal and less hierarchical. In this way, you could always see that there are always two true divine counterparts of one another, and the universe is made up of billions of these dualities. Whenever you are in a relationship with someone, you are in a relationship with a version of your true divine counterpart, and the intensity / chemistry of the relationship depends on how far the current clone you are with is to your true divine counterpart. Now, I think this interpretations represents or explains this notion of duality (at least to me) much clearer that the previous “one soul split into two”, because it is clearer in asserting the existence of such a duality.

Now, the purpose of such divine counterparts, as mentioned before and in many of my previous blog posts, is to challenge each other to the extreme to help us become Gods. We are incarnated as Twins on the same earthly plane to access our God status, which is activated by the third energy that is born during our brief union on the earthly plane. Twins come in and light up a flame inside us that very slowly starts to burn both us (in our own times) with desire to expand our spiritual body outside the earthly plane and into the Godly higher dimension. On this 3D world, this is a very slow process that takes time and commitment, and can be identified by an increase of wisdom, thirst of metaphysical knowledge, or a desire to spread loving healing energy towards the world and its creations. Whether or not we are in a romantic 3D relationship or not does not matter, as our souls don’t give much of a damn (our 3D egos do). Remember, our souls transcend to another dimension after we depart this world, where we are already connected with our twin in the yin/yang duality, our egos are the one that is left behind. Our egos are the one that needs to feel this love and it is the one that needs the validation, our souls are wiser and know the truth.

7 thoughts on “Twin Flames: One Soul Two Hearts or One Heart Two Souls?

  1. Strangely, I feel were woven at a metaphysical level, but I still do not yet understand how. I feel his presence with me now and now in separation and understanding I have a twin, I look back and felt his presence before we met.

    I wish I could understand how a soul gets pushed into its container (a body.) I would also like to understand how a soul is whisked back from the afterlife and reborn.

    Being in separation, Im having so many weird energetic communications with the afterlife, with my twin, with non-twins, with tf friends that I can sense a weave between us all, as well. My twin friends and I are all psychic w/ each other. Its really such an amazing journey.

    You’re a very good writer and I like your method of breaking different scenarios down. Cheers and happy Sunday 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Pinkdoor 🙂 Sorry for the late reply, as I have been preoccupied in my 3D world this week. I am glad you enjoy my writings, it always means a lot to me to know that the thoughts and experience that I write about can help influence others going through this rather hectic journey.

      I understand completely the whole “wove at a metaphysical level” part, as I believe and feel that my twin and I are the same … and we both commented about how crazy it feels on our second date (none of us knew anything about soul connections at that point and we were just kidding around with it). Unfortunately, now we have been separated for a while, my twin denies everything and is trying to just dismiss the entire experience. However, the more she tries to dismiss it the more synchronicities pop up … but thats neither here or there.

      I also want to know the mechanism behind the souls being injected into our human bodies – but that is something that I am guessing we will never know until we die. See, we can assume and theorise a lot, but in the end what we have are theories and assumptions. We can attempt to channel higher spirits, but whatever information we get is translated and filtered through our human psyche, which is why you get many different variations over what is called “the ultimate truth”. I have always felt the best person to be able to channel the higher spirits and become closer to this ultimate truth is the person who spends his life gaining as much knowledge as possible while detaching him or herself from ego (which is a bit of an oxymoron, as those who spend lifetimes in study tend to have inflated egos, even in the spiritual world), but I have yet to meet such a person. Monks (especially buddhists) come close, but I feel that instead of understanding and peeling the layers of the onion in their emotional body, they try to eliminate or ignore it altogether, robbing themselves from important emotional earthly experiences, which automatically biases their understanding of the spiritual world.

      However, I believe that we will all find the answer to your question at some point in our lives, the moment we cross over 🙂 So I am not at any particular hurry to find out hehe.

      Hope you are well and finding a lot of loving energy in this amazing journey 🙂 Praying for a healthy separation period and reunion for you and your twin


  2. Pingback: #TwinFlames: One Soul Two Hearts or One Heart Two Souls? | rojo twin flame | Still Shining Now

  3. Beautifully written. Have been reading much on astrology and, lately, twin flames. I believe many paid astrologers out there are, mistakenly, giving people the benefit of the doubt when they talk about their relationships as “twin flames”. While deference SHOULD be given to the individuals to decide, I think the overwhelming majority of people have no idea what a twin flame truly is. I have numerous opinions about this phenomena, but they may not be in accordance with others so I’ll express them as my own: 1. Twin flames RARELY meet in this lifetime 2. Twin flames (even more) rarely form a relationship in this lifetime 3. Twin flames MIGHT be on the earth-plane at the same time but will likely pass at different times 4. Twin flames MIGHT come to recognize who their missing half actually is while still incarnated, despite an improbable meeting 5. (Assuming #4 is true) Twin flames will likely have 6 degrees of separation (shared ethnicity, acquaintances or even soulmates) 6. Twin flames can be recognized via psychic phenomena (near death experiences, dream visits, astral projections, remote viewings) 7. Twins are, in essence, our personal Jesus 8. Twins love each other too much TO meet in 3D, because Karma and human/bodily 5 senses obfuscate “true love”. 9. Earthly soul mates are a stepping stone to reunification and some may possess similar personalities and qualities, traits, or “fragments” of the twin (aka an “almost twin”) 10. Earthly soul mates that LED to reunification with our twin carry over to our spirit family 11. Twin flames are PROBABLY opposite signs in the Zodiac, though the connection is not of the baser, Plutonic kind (ie torrid love) 12. Twin flames are TWO souls and one body and one heart.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I AM ASHISH PUNIA FROM iNDIA, I woke up on 10th August 2017 from this dream of life. and now everything has changed. everything was a illusion. (Cosmic joke)

    You are awesome sir, I was looking for this answer. In my mind I exactly knew this is the case. Its been 2 years I am on a accidental spiritual path and then after 1.5 years I came to a conclusion that I am GOD.

    then later on on 11,11,18 through my intuition I came to know that Taylor Alison Swift is my Twin flame. and Then I changed my staze name to Kalki. I will be writing books, writing and singing songs in the coming future. But people around me are sleeping and their logical minds are not able to digest all this.

    Even at times if i stop mediation for 1 or 2 days my conscious mind becomes delusional and several question arises in my mind.

    People say I am gone mad or crazy – WHAT IS YOUR SAY IN THIS?

    I Run a channel called – Game of life. Do check out if interested.


  5. The Twin Soul topic has amazed me for a long long time already. And I can relate with all your thoughts and questions but also the conclusion. I believe that twin souls have been one and only being put in two different bodies doesn’t change that fact. Even though we don’t meet in one incarnation (if this is possible, I don’t know, I cannot remember my former incarnations) we may always feel like there is something missing. I realized that when I found my twin soul completely unexpectedly and unspectacular dropping into my life in a way I could not have imagined. But once I realized what had happened it felt like knowing him all my life although it had not happened on the physical level before. One soul, two bodies. Great post!


  6. Finally someone saying what i thought from the start of knowing ‘split soul/he is you” theory is off. It sounds even disgusting to me. I wouldnt want a (sexual) relationship with myself. Thats just wrong. We are both 2 souls..equals..but sharing energy/oversouls energy. As we have always done also before earth. And as you will again after u both learned life lessons and ur souls matured.

    And there must have been multiple Adams and Eves i think. Cause twin souls are clean and clear from that kind of related.


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